Dive into a world of delightful sweetness at our charming ice cream shop, where every scoop is a celebration of flavor and joy.
Rori’s Creamery

No skimping, intensity grabs you at the first lick. You are overwhelmed with senses and actually experience the back notes. This isn’t just sophisticated food talk, it’s really true. That’s what we want, an explosive enjoyment that drifts you away from whatever is bogging you down. Our motto is to have our customers fall in love with our passion for great flavor and for each customer that comes through our doors to have a huge experience and leave feeling better about life at large! Is that too much to ask for in an ice cream… we think not. Once you try just one of our flavors you’ll know, we aren’t jokin’ around, this is how true inner peace must taste! So, THAT’s why we kick ass! Just ask anyone in line, that’s what they’re waiting for, and believe it’s well worth it!


(805) 845-2223